Watch videos created by Rock Solid Technical covering various aspects of our VMware classes. No matter if you are a current or former student, these videos will help to keep you current on managing your virtual infrastructure. Check back often, we will be adding demos regularly! Watch our early look at vSphere, no registration required! Learn about our Distance Learning programs. Please register or login for access to more demo videos: Configuring local storage Connecting to an iSCSI SAN Setting up NTP - Create and Configure a vApp
- Configure VLANS for standard vSwitches
- Configure SSH for root access
- Using VMware vCenter Maps
- Customizing Clones with Sysprep
- Using VMware Convertor
- Configuring FastSCP for ESX
Using VMware View with linked clone technology **ACTUAL LIVE CLASS RECORDING*** Deploying a VM with the Ultimate Deployment Appliance and prepared Windows ISO images - Installing VIC (Virtual Infrastructure Client)